четвртак, 12. август 2021.

16. JOAKIMFEST - Život posle / Life afterwards



Međunarodni pozorišni festival / International Theatre Festival

16. Joakimfest 2021.

ili umesto izveštaja

Može li jedan pozorišni festival da ispriča priču? Zašto bi to radio ijedan pozorišni festival? Možda je umoran od takmičenja i revija. Uozbilji se molim te. Ozbiljna sam. O čemu bi bila ta priča? O tome koliko se život posle razlikuje od života pre. A šta ako se ne razlikuje? Onda je priča o tome kako se život posle ne razlikuje od onog pre. Pre čega? Pre trenutka koji nas menja. Posle kog „više ništa nije isto“. Posle raskida, rođenja, zaposlenja, otkaza... Posle ratova, revolucija, pobuna. Posle bolesti ili traume. Posle nečije smrti. Ili posle digitalizacije? O da, ili posle strašne digitalizacije koja sve nas, tako plemenite, dehumanizuje. Da li je to neka strašna priča? Kako za koga. Zavisi ko se čega boji.

Ko su junaci te priče? Aleksa, Mekoj, Filip, Fedor, Džoni, Tišma, Dimitrije, Selvedin... To je neka muška priča? Tražila si junake. Maja, Nina, Tjaša, Selma, Jovana, Mateja, Emina, Emina. Dve Emine? Šta fali? Zvezdana, Mirna, Evelin, Suzi, Maria, Vera, Vera, Vera. Hej, to je previše žena za jedan pozorišni festival u Srbiji! Martin , Boris, Marjan, Nikola, Nikola. Sad već zezaš? Hahahaha, ne.

Dobro, koliko će predstava biti na Joakimfestu? Šest predstava i jedan snimak. Kakav sad snimak? Snimak predstave. Želim da se publika i žiri festivala stave u poziciju u kojoj je bila većina selektora u prethodnom periodu. Da procene značaj neke predstave bez obzira da li gledaju predstavu uživo ili na snimku. Hoćeš li napokon reći koje su predstave u selekciji? Hoću. Ali ne sad. Nego kad? 26. avgusta u Kragujevcu. U Knjaževsko-srpskom teatru. Sigurno? Ništa nije sigurno. Ukoliko to pandemijske okolnosti dozvole.

Zašto ovo radiš?

„Stvari se u životu ponekad tako zapliću da ostane nejasno što je bilo prije, a što poslije, kao što ni ja ne znam pričam li ovu priču da bih došla do njezina kraja ili do njezina početka.“ Dubravka Ugrešić/Ministarstvo bola

Da bih proverila može li pozorišni festival da ispriča priču.

Branislava Ilić, 5.8.2021.

16th Joakimfest 2021

or instead of a report

Can a theater festival tell a story? Why would any theater festival do that? Perhaps it's tired of competitions and revues. Get serious, please. I am serious. What would that story be about? It would be about how much the life afterwards differs from the life before. And what if it's no different? Then the story would be about how the life afterwards doesn’t differ from that of before. Before what? Before the moment that changes us. The moment after which "nothing is ever the same." After a breakup, birth, employment, dismissal ... After wars, revolutions, rebellions. After am illness or a trauma. After someone has died. Or after digitalization? Oh yes, or after a terrible digitalization that dehumanizes all of us, ever so noble people. Is it a scary story? Depends on whom you ask. It depends on who is afraid of what.

Who are the heroes of that story? Aleksa, McCoy, Filip, Fedor, Johnny, Tišma, Dimitrije, Selvedin ... Is that a man's story? You wanted male protagonists. Maja, Nina, Tjaša, Selma, Jovana, Mateja, Emina, Emina. Two Eminas? What's wrong with that? Zvezdana, Mirna, Evelyn, Susie, Maria, Vera, Vera, Vera. Hey, that's too many women for one theater festival in Serbia! Martin, Boris, Marjan, Nikola, Nikola. Are you pulling my leg now? Hahahaha, no.

Okay, how many performances will there be at Joakimfest? Six performances and one video recording. What video recording are you talking about? A video recording of a performance. I want the audience and the festival jury to put themselves in the shoes most curators were in during the previous period. I want them to assess the importance of a performance regardless of whether they are watching a live or a recorded performance. Will you finally divulge which performances will feature in the official selection? I will. But not now. But when? August 26th in Kragujevac. At the Princely Serbian Theatre. Is it definite? Nothing is definite. If the pandemic circumstances allow for it.

Why are you doing this?

"Life is sometimes so confusing that you can’t be certain what came first and what came later. By the same token I don’t know whether I’m telling this story to get to the end or the beginning of things."
Dubravka Ugrešić (The Ministry of Pain)

To verify if a theater festival can tell a story.

Branislava Ilić, 5. 8. 2021.

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